Sup dis be Jess

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  • #882
    Cyan Goon

    I am a human being or w/e by name of Devon Bergstrom. I’m like 87 years old or something like that, currently living in Al Vancouverael, Canada, in the year 20XX. If the kids left all the work for Mommy and Daddy to clean up then I just want to state right now and with no bitterness that I am the Mommy.

    I’m some sort of hybrid worker/drone/soldier yet I’ve managed to fool the hive at large into believing me one of their own with a clever pheromone concoction gifted to me by an outcast ant-turned-witch (she lost her antennae and could no longer feel the colony) whom I met when I fled deep into forgotten tunnels beneath the nest.

    I am an Aquarius in year of the earth dragon, enneagram 5 or possibly 9, either an INTP or ENTP or INFJ, ILE, Tonal-Digital-Kino-Visual, something along these lines.

    I am currently very tired and about to sleep.

    Kyrie Fluffins

    Welcome! 🙂

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