Video – My Alien Experiences

WELCOME Forums Uniscience Spirits and Space Video – My Alien Experiences

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  • #2244
    Kyrie Fluffins

    Really interesting! I love the lighting in this video and the fish tank in the background. This video has a very soothing feeling to it.I think aliens are real, but it isn’t something I’ve really thought about before I was exposed to Unicole’s teachings about six weeks ago. I’ve always been able to see and sense energies, and I don’t think I’ve come across an alien energy yet personally. I tend to come across slightly denser, or more sad energies, such as the ghosts of people who have passed on. At my work, there’s a whole family of ghosts – a child-figure, who sometimes tries to scary me in a playful way, a shadowman, who I’ve seen a couple times and who I worry has slightly dark intent, and a woman who I can see on security cameras but not when I look up at what’s right in front of me. They throw my headphones, have pinched me, or played with my hair, and sometimes I can smell their breath, which was a little trippy to me at first because I was always socialized to believe that if I saw a ghost it was automatically a demon trying to ~get~ me or something (it wasn’t).

    But I haven’t been exposed to Arcturian energy yet, I think because I need to raise my vibration further. I’m working more on clean eating and drinking lots of water and getting lots of sleep, and showing a lot of unconditional love and forgiveness so I can eventually meet my Arcturian guides.

    I like how you say “well people may say this is wrong because it’s inconsistent with other accounts” but you’re just relaying your experience. All experiences are different and it doesn’t make it less valid. It’s good that you trust your intuition. Your remarks about gender and human perception are really wise! I love that the second alien you met was cheeky! We have all these preconceived notions of how aliens act and you opened my awareness to how they’re all distinct figures with unique personalities.

    Kyrie Fluffins

    My Alien Experiences Part II:

    Kyrie Fluffins

    My Alien Experiences Part III:

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